Thursday, February 4, 2010

Memphis Politics

When I read the news about Memphis and its politics it becomes quite clear to me all is not well in Memphis TN. Not being a native of Memphis make the politics of this city very difficult for me to understand. The city has the appearance of wanting to grow and prosper yet it is politically delayed. There is a serious impediment in the politics of the City of Memphis. The many excuses as to why the city is not politically astute range from “haters” to “racists” to “he used to be the best…” My question to Memphians is what will it take to have a campaign that is not focused entirely on color, but what is best for the people? Why is one district better off being represented by someone who is about themselves and their well-being and not the people? Why is it acceptable to run a campaign on a negative agenda such as “race” and nothing else? What makes it ok for a leader to have embarrassing temper tantrums week after week and then be rewarded for the behavior? What has to happen in Memphis for the people to say enough of the nonsense, let’s move on – and then – move on? Let's be real, every person of color is not the answer and every person of non-color is not the enemy. I have lived in Memphis more than 14 years and have followed Memphis politics. Why does Memphis have a mayor and cabinet and then duplicate it in Shelby County? Most cities will have a local mayor and a County of Board of Supervisors that is responsible for the cities they encompass. I’ve never understood the thinking behind this concept. Would it not be more economically feasible to have a County Board of Supervisors and then various city mayors’? This would save the county and the cities money in the long run. The lines of responsibility would be clear and the infighting would cease because the people would know who is in charge of the various departments. It would be detrimental to the 9th District and the city as a whole to make a change in this upcoming election. There are times we must look beyond color and beyond what someone “used to do.” It is time the residents of this city come together and look to the future, not behind. You can not go forward looking behind you, it is impossible. Taking a chance on someone who changes as the seasons, (who can’t make up his mind from day to day and then blame others as “haters” when he is quoted), is dangerous. Memphis must become politically astute and do her homework to ensure the vote is about the issues, not about a particular name or color. It will take all of us to get this city to the point of greatness, not just in Tennessee but in the nation. Being outstanding on the national scheme of things will not happen if the ego of the politicians is greater than the needs of the people they represent. Please do not misunderstand, it is commendable to honor those who have opened doors and have championed the causes of many. However, there are times leaders lose sight of the original vision and can no longer lead in excellence. What is more honorable a ship that moves steady with a purpose towards the safety of the shore or a ship that keeps changing course with no motive other than to be seen?,0,6380203.story


  1. EJ,
    I know how you feel, I use to live in Memphis and it appears that some 35 years they are still having the same people.. It must be mainly those of us who moved there from somewhere else are the only ones that feel this way, since noting has changed. However, it seems politics everywhere especially in the southern states it is like this. Some towns are worse than others. I keep hoping for improvement but in order to improve and the people must mature first, evidently the politicians don't want to grow-up and mature.

  2. It does not make any sense to elect someone who keeps changing course. Now the former mayor says: “I want to go to Washington with some common sense pragmatic approaches to help those congressional people to understand the plight of the common man,” Herenton told about 200 supporters. This person is unstable. In a matter of two days he's changed his strategy. Memphis is in danger of having some issues more serious than ever.

    Being politically astute, using public information and voting wisely is what changes things. All I can say is people of Memphis please be careful in your choices.

  3. A few days ago there was a news conference wherein Herenton and Cohen were present. Before any sense could be made out of what was going on Herenton verbally attacked Cohen. Cohen could not get a word in so he decided to leave the news conference, as he was leaving Herenton said to those present "...close the door...we need to step outside..." What kind of comment is that? This is something he does all the time. What grown mature person acts like a child? This is so insane. As a person of color, this is embarrassing to know someone who has academic credentials is off balance to the point of being mentally ill. Then I think is that the worse that it could be and I say no. It would be worse to elect him Congressman. There is more tension in Washington than it is in the City of Memphis. Herenton cannot participate in any meeting without losing his temper when someone has another opinion, or simply does not agree with him. Sending this sick mind to Washington would do damage that will never be repaired. I am so angry at this point, but will wait to see what the mindset is for the city. It is so hard for me to get past a grown man calling someone else out to fight - total insanity. This city has to do more and wake up. My vote will be for Cohen, not the color of his skin, for the job I believe he is doing.
