Am I the only person wondering why the government is even discussing sexual preference? Most jobs you could get fired for discussing anything sexual. Why is it a big deal for soldiers to keep their sexual preferences to themselves? Lets dig deeper into what could occur if Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy is repealed. A solider that openly admits they are gay will not be discharged for one. Are we loosing some valuable people because of this, probably? However, would a fellow soldier agree with me, probably not? I spoke with a long time friend of mine who is in the National Guard he equates gayness to being weak. How would this affect the gay soldiers benefits? A gay solider is killed would their “Life Partner” receive death benefits? I guess what it boils down to is repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” will pave the way for gay rights in the military policy then in civilian policy. I don’t see how the military can say its okay to be yourself, but we will not give you any benefits.
Some high-ranking politicians such as John McCain state that the policy of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell “ is not perfect but effective. What really is the policy effectively doing? There is not a question on the enlistment form for the military that ask if applicant is gay. So this policy does not screen for gays. It is more of a deterrent for gay when it comes to enlisting. Only someone hard up for the money would enlist knowing they are gay, and the cards are stack against them in the military. I guess the biggest thing that puzzles me is all the out of the closet politicians. They have never thought about making an issue about sexual preferences in the military until a black president was elected. I guess gays compare their treatment to slavery in some form or fashion but those are not the same. Wait, I guess they are kind of because bring up slavery on your job is a taboo also. There isn’t a law that says discussion of slavery will cost you your job and benefits. So is Obama really wanting to talk about sexual preferences at work or just please the few people that help put him in office that can’t help but sang its raining men while at work? That answer to that question is easy. He promise to do way with it to get votes and now it time to pay up. Every gay and lesbian politician that has a microphone in his or her face will be putting this issue on the forefront.
The phrase don’t ask don’t tell, to me implies someone will ask you if your gay or someone will tell they are gay. In either case it is a mood point because if the person is flaming gay there is no need to ask or for them to tell it. Of course you have that few like some of my coworker that act as sweet as mom’s apple pie, but are “married” to the opposite sex for decades with no kids. Professionally you would not ask your co-worker if they are gay, because you sure act like it. In most work places that would be the end of you job. The military is an employer with rules and regulations. If a soldier is engaging activities that offend the next person that are against the rules they should get court marshaled for it. What does that mean? It means that don’t ask don’t tell is not needed. If a gay soldier makes an unwanted pass at the same sex, they should get the same treatment if it was with the opposite sex. The equal punishment is not enough for gays in the military. The want the same employment benefits as common married service men and women. That will never happen even if the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy is repealed. The lawmakers will find away to level the playing field. So at the end of the day talking about your sexual preference on the job will not gain you health coverage for you “Life Partner”. It is not only inappropriate to discuss your sexual preference, but crazy to use the military as a medium to push gay rights.
By Julian Nesbit
While I don't agree with the don't ask, don't tell policy, I would like to address some of your points,
ReplyDelete-your first point, "Some high-ranking politicians suck as John McCain state that the policy of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell “ is not perfect but effective"
****Response***When you say some high ranking polititians "suck" please clarify this is Administration terms, are you concerned with the stateement of "it is not perfect but effective" My question would be effective for whom? And shat data does anyone have to back that claim up? Who is monitoring theser soliders who "don't ask, don't tell" Yes, My husband is in the Afghanistan war, and he stated that that there are several soliders who serve with him who are living alternative lifestyles, He does think it is weak, the sad part is that most of these individuals think that it is ok, for it has been a way of life for them.
your second statement that stated "only those who are hard up for money would re-enlist...." And you base this on what exactly?? Again, some people absolutely love serving in the military, and it has nothing to do with thier sexual preference.
Your 3rd staement..... This did not come up until a black president was elected.... Again, do you have facts to back up this statement? Perhaps it came up, but never in the public. Trust me, President Obama did not create this policy. And What does slavery have to do with sexual preference??
Is your blog intended to have a "double standard" tone? It is obvious that you are not fond of those who live in the "alternative lifestyle" however, your argument would be more valid if you included data based on research. Policy is intended to be research based, and enforceable. If you discriminate (which might I add is a federal law) based on sexual orientation, chances are that you would discriminate based on all other factors;
I agree we shoud not discuss our sexual preference at work. Work should be a place of serenity and understanding of the different aspects of life. Great blogg!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have a few friends that have "life partners." Their preference is not discussed at work or in the open -- it is what it is. I don't think any special priviliges should be made just for their preferences, but I do think they should be allowed coverage for a partner. At work, those of us that are heterosexual very rarely discuss our life choices and prefer not to hear about anybody else's -- it is what it is and work is for work.