Wednesday, January 20, 2010

School Policies Who Are They Really For

Raphael Willingham To Whom It May Concern: Do you think that all university policies are fair and in your best interest? Well if you are like me then you would think that they are not, particularly the policy concerning the number of times students are allowed to take courses. Recently I was forced to change my major from a field that I am actually interested in and excelled at to one that I cannot remember the title of all because of a course, that I am told by people in the industry, that has no real world application in that field. Apparently The University of Memphis has a policy that any students that take a course three times and does not receive a letter grade of a C, regardless if the class is related to the student major or not, the student has to change their major. There is a few things I see wrong with this, first when you think about colleges and universities in general are a customer service business we pay them for a service and the way I feel is that as long as I am paying to attend a university or college I can take as many courses as I wish as many times as I wish. Secondly if a student excels in their major field of study why hold them back because of a course unrelated to that field, take my situation for example I WAS an accounting major who received all B’s in my business courses such as accounting, economics, statistics, marketing, etc. ,but because of D in calculus I had to change my major from a field that I was clearly good at to organizational leadership. Thirdly I am a transfer student from Tennessee State University in Nashville, TN a state institution accredited by the same state board but there for an accounting major having a D in calculus has no effect on your major, the only thing that effects a business major there is the grade they receive in BUSINESS COURSES, so explain to me how to state institution in the same state have two different views, which one would you say has the students interest put first. There has to be a reason that business majors choose a business field, it is because they have an interest in business if they wanted to major in math, English, science, music, etc. they would have. So again I ask you do you think that all university policies are fair and in your best interest or maybe they are used to keep you in school longer paying for the salaries of the same people who do not care about you or your interest, like I mentioned before this is a customer service business that they are in and if the customer are unhappy and take their business elsewhere those salaries will began to get smaller and those unfair policies will began to look as ridiculous as they are when there is no longer any students to govern under them. I think a lot of professors and administrators forget that the students are the only reason that they have a job, when you start to care more about how many students you can get enrolled into the university and how you can keep them there longer instead of how to help them with their goals and your main purpose of teaching them your will find less and less who are will to put up with it, because there are many more options than what your offering and I think it is time that these universities and colleges realize that without the students that they treat like numbers they would not exist.

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